Wednesday, November 11, 2009


She is one of "those" friends -- you know the type. We can spend time together everyday with nearly non-stop talk and laughter as well as very easy silences. And after weeks, and occasionally months, of not talking, we pick right up where we left off, not missing a beat. She is twenty years older than I am and has always freely shared her wisdom, questions, opinions and youthfulness. And, now, she is going through another passage in her three year battle with Stage 4 bone cancer.

This dear friend and I have shared with each other many of the passages in our lives -- even the difficult ones -- over the thirty years we have known each other. She and her husband provided safe harbor for my partner-in-life (PIL) and me as we were in a very antagonistic setting during a time of deep mourning.  She is one of those persistent personal cheerleaders encouraging me at the many shiftings and changings in my life. She is one who  wouldn't settle for only a manicure when adding a pedicure took just a little bit more. She teaches me the importance of persistence and commitment and perseverance through these many passages.

My PIL and I are planning a trip to see her in the weeks ahead. I pray it won't be the last visit, though it well may be. Please pray for her and her husband, her children and her grandchildren and her great-grandchildren during this next time of passage.


photo from

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